clisp summary No unexpected errors found out of 13,666 tests. Real time: 893.0686f0 sec. Run time: 777.6486f0 sec. Space: 50473853240 Bytes GC: 5370, GC time: 183.42358f0 sec. (%o0) done ecl summary No unexpected errors found out of 13,666 tests. real time : 534.623 secs run time : 503.975 secs gc count : 4187 times consed : 82893855504 bytes (%o0) done sbcl summary No unexpected errors found out of 13,666 tests. Evaluation took: 102.136 seconds of real time 97.231016 seconds of total run time (83.086230 user, 14.144786 system) [ Real times consist of 3.832 seconds GC time, and 98.304 seconds non-GC time. ] [ Run times consist of 3.604 seconds GC time, and 93.628 seconds non-GC time. ] 95.20% CPU 13,841 forms interpreted 19,125 lambdas converted 348,082,984,666 processor cycles 337 page faults 45,018,880,400 bytes consed (%o0) done gcl summary No unexpected errors found out of 13,573 tests. real time : 199.740 secs run-gbc time : 97.730 secs child run time : 16.010 secs gbc time : 75.110 secs (%o0) done ccl64 summary No unexpected errors found out of 13,666 tests. (TESTSUITE) took 252,968,056 microseconds (252.968060 seconds) to run. 6,183,738 microseconds ( 6.183738 seconds, 2.44%) of which was spent in GC. During that period, and with 4 available CPU cores, 233,472,213 microseconds (233.472210 seconds) were spent in user mode 8,020,059 microseconds ( 8.020059 seconds) were spent in system mode 39,730,147,264 bytes of memory allocated. 35,315 minor page faults, 495 major page faults, 0 swaps. (%o0) done cmucl summary No unexpected errors found out of 13,666 tests. ; Evaluation took: ; 213.8f0 seconds of real time ; 199.64449f0 seconds of user run time ; 8.369239f0 seconds of system run time ; 728,633,423,228 CPU cycles ; [Run times include 27.34f0 seconds GC run time] ; 416 page faults and ; 45,076,184,904 bytes consed. ; (%o0) done acl summary Error summary: Error(s) found: /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest6b.mac problems: (33 36) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest9a.mac problems: (32 37 38 49 50 53 54 57 58 61 62 65 66 69 70 73 74 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 116 118 120 124 126 128 130 131) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest14.mac problem: (154) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest3.mac problems: (161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 224 225 227 228 243 244 245 246 247 248 249) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_gamma.mac problems: (669 751 813 814) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_elliptic.mac problem: (98) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_trace.mac problems: (84 85 86 87 88 89 90) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/ulp_tests.mac problems: (7 42) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_unicode_display.mac problems: (3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 29 30 32 34 36 37 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93) Tests that were expected to fail but passed: /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest9a.mac problems: (30 35 36 47 48 51 52 55 56 59 60 63 64 67 68 71 72) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_gamma.mac problems: (48 198 663 745) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_elliptic.mac problem: (92) 207 tests failed out of 13,460 total tests. ; cpu time (non-gc) 357.672768 sec (00:05:57.672768) user, 10.142966 sec system ; cpu time (gc) 89.643862 sec (00:01:29.643862) user, 0.224959 sec system ; cpu time (total) 447.316630 sec (00:07:27.316630) user, 10.367925 sec system ; real time 463.068126 sec (00:07:43.68126) (98.84%) ; space allocation: ; 2,205,829,888 cons cells, 45,097,360,512 other bytes, 0 static bytes ; Page Faults: major: 593 (gc: 29066), minor: 42247 (gc: 29066) (%o0) done abcl summary Error summary: Error(s) found: /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_allnummod.mac problem: (467) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_zeta.mac problems: (26 31) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_trace.mac problems: (85 87 88) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/rtest_limit_extra.mac problem: (57) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/branch_5_47_base_1106_g232c36667/tests/ulp_tests.mac problems: (10 49) 9 tests failed out of 13,666 total tests. 1023.363 seconds real time 1870809623 cons cells (%o0) done