clisp summary No unexpected errors found out of 4,885 tests. Real time: 957.16034f0 sec. Run time: 826.8346f0 sec. Space: 43579913864 Bytes GC: 4174, GC time: 162.90504f0 sec. (%o0) done ecl summary No unexpected errors found out of 4,706 tests. real time : 994.905 secs run time : 670.071 secs gc count : 2818 times consed : 95059128128 bytes (%o0) done sbcl summary No unexpected errors found out of 4,863 tests. Evaluation took: 211.685 seconds of real time 195.440862 seconds of total run time (179.192389 user, 16.248473 system) [ Real times consist of 7.700 seconds GC time, and 203.985 seconds non-GC time. ] [ Run times consist of 7.184 seconds GC time, and 188.257 seconds non-GC time. ] 92.33% CPU 352,935 forms interpreted 368,893 lambdas converted 721,418,659,630 processor cycles 79,817,335,360 bytes consed (%o0) done gcl summary No unexpected errors found out of 4,885 tests. real time : 396.430 secs run-gbc time : 137.210 secs child run time : 152.460 secs gbc time : 82.140 secs (%o0) done ccl64 summary No unexpected errors found out of 4,885 tests. (TESTSUITE) took 300,077,765 microseconds (300.077760 seconds) to run. 9,411,029 microseconds ( 9.411029 seconds, 3.14%) of which was spent in GC. During that period, and with 4 available CPU cores, 270,642,292 microseconds (270.642300 seconds) were spent in user mode 10,659,271 microseconds ( 10.659271 seconds) were spent in system mode 45,117,862,080 bytes of memory allocated. 98,096 minor page faults, 0 major page faults, 0 swaps. (%o0) done cmucl summary No unexpected errors found out of 4,885 tests. ; Evaluation took: ; 413.22f0 seconds of real time ; 379.2465f0 seconds of user run time ; 22.001581f0 seconds of system run time ; 1,408,226,647,872 CPU cycles ; [Run times include 71.2f0 seconds GC run time] ; 0 page faults and ; 51,259,107,976 bytes consed. ; (%o0) done acl summary abcl summary