Maxima 5.47post using Lisp Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.9.2 Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING. Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter. The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information. (%i1) run_testsuite(share_tests = only) Testsuite run for Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.9.2: Running tests in rtest_facexp: 37/37 tests passed Running tests in rtest_orthopoly: 205/205 tests passed Running tests in rtest_pslq: 48/48 tests passed Running tests in rtestflatten: 43/43 tests passed Running tests in rtest_z_transform: 36/36 tests passed Running tests in rtest_zeilberger_extreme: 9/9 tests passed Running tests in rtest_zeilberger: 53/53 tests passed Running tests in rtest_boolsimp: 48/48 tests passed Running tests in rtest_eigen: 23/23 tests passed Running tests in rtest_lsquares: 67/67 tests passed Running tests in rtest_pytranslate: 74/74 tests passed Running tests in rtest_odelin: 109/109 tests passed Running tests in rtestezunits: 316/316 tests passed Running tests in rtest_numericalio: 93/93 tests passed Running tests in rtest_simplify_sum: 86/86 tests passed Running tests in rtest_solve_rec: 33/33 tests passed Running tests in rtest_stringproc: 87/87 tests passed Running tests in rtest_md5sum: 2/2 tests passed Running tests in rtest_opproperties: 117/117 tests passed Running tests in rtest_stats: 14/14 tests passed Running tests in rtest_distrib: 187/187 tests passed Running tests in rtest_descriptive: 203/203 tests passed Running tests in rtest_interpol: 18/18 tests passed Running tests in rtest_levin: 104/104 tests passed Running tests in rtest_fractals: 11/11 tests passed Running tests in rtest_bernstein: 44/44 tests passed Running tests in rtest_atensor: 20/20 tests passed Running tests in rtest_ctensor: 49/49 tests passed Running tests in rtest_itensor: 58/58 tests passed Running tests in rtest_dgemm: ; in (LET* (# #) ...) ; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable NCOLA is defined but never used. ; in (DEFUN ICAMAX ...) ; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable ZDUM is defined but never used. ; in (LET* (# #) ...) ; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable NCOLA is defined but never used. ; Compilation unit finished ; Caught 3 STYLE-WARNING conditions ; in (LET* (# # ...) ...) ; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable CI is defined but never used. ; Caught STYLE-WARNING: ; The variable CR is defined but never used. ; Compilation unit finished ; Caught 2 STYLE-WARNING conditions ********************** Problem 1 (line 2) *************** Input: (if not fboundp('dgemm) then load(lapack), 'done) Result: ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack-package.lisp ... ; (DEFPACKAGE #:BLAS ...) ; (DEFPACKAGE #:LAPACK ...) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack-package.abcl (0.014f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/daxpy.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DAXPY ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/daxpy.abcl (0.086f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dcopy.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DCOPY ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dcopy.abcl (0.062f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ddot.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DDOT ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ddot.abcl (0.101f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dnrm2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dnrm2.abcl (0.036f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dscal.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DSCAL ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dscal.abcl (0.04f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/idamax.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN IDAMAX ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/idamax.abcl (0.023f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dasum.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DASUM ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dasum.abcl (0.043f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dcabs1.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DCABS1 ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dcabs1.abcl (0.014f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/lsame.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN LSAME ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/lsame.abcl (0.025f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/xerbla.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN XERBLA ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/xerbla.abcl (0.007f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dgbmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dgbmv.abcl (0.186f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dgemm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dgemm.abcl (0.197f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dgemv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dgemv.abcl (0.11f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dger.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dger.abcl (0.051f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/drot.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DROT ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/drot.abcl (0.055f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/drotg.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DROTG ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/drotg.abcl (0.01f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dsbmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dsbmv.abcl (0.163f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dspmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dspmv.abcl (0.215f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dspr.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dspr.abcl (0.069f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dspr2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dspr2.abcl (0.093f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dswap.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DSWAP ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dswap.abcl (0.044f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dsymm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dsymm.abcl (0.203f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dsymv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dsymv.abcl (0.147f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dsyr.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dsyr.abcl (0.079f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dsyr2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dsyr2.abcl (0.097f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dsyr2k.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dsyr2k.abcl (0.206f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dsyrk.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dsyrk.abcl (0.331f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dtbmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dtbmv.abcl (0.227f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dtbsv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dtbsv.abcl (0.208f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dtpmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dtpmv.abcl (0.219f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dtpsv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dtpsv.abcl (0.168f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dtrmm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dtrmm.abcl (0.285f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dtrmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dtrmv.abcl (0.189f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dtrsm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dtrsm.abcl (0.341f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dtrsv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dtrsv.abcl (0.192f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dzasum.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN DZASUM ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dzasum.abcl (0.017f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/dznrm2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/dznrm2.abcl (0.025f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/icamax.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ICAMAX ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/icamax.abcl (0.034f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/isamax.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ISAMAX ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/isamax.abcl (0.024f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/izamax.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN IZAMAX ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/izamax.abcl (0.023f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zaxpy.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ZAXPY ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zaxpy.abcl (0.033f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zcopy.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ZCOPY ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zcopy.abcl (0.022f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zdotc.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ZDOTC ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zdotc.abcl (0.021f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zdotu.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ZDOTU ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zdotu.abcl (0.021f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zdscal.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ZDSCAL ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zdscal.abcl (0.017f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zgbmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zgbmv.abcl (0.155f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zgemm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zgemm.abcl (0.301f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zgemv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zgemv.abcl (0.129f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zgerc.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zgerc.abcl (0.046f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zgeru.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zgeru.abcl (0.046f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zhbmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zhbmv.abcl (0.159f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zhemm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zhemm.abcl (0.189f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zhemv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zhemv.abcl (0.147f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zher.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zher.abcl (0.131f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zher2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zher2.abcl (0.154f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zher2k.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zher2k.abcl (0.289f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zherk.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zherk.abcl (0.319f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zhpmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zhpmv.abcl (0.139f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zhpr.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zhpr.abcl (0.119f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zhpr2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zhpr2.abcl (0.136f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zrotg.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ZROTG ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zrotg.abcl (0.01f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zscal.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ZSCAL ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zscal.abcl (0.018f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zswap.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (DEFUN ZSWAP ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zswap.abcl (0.024f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zsymm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zsymm.abcl (0.267f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zsyr2k.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zsyr2k.abcl (0.198f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/zsyrk.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/zsyrk.abcl (0.231f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ztbmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ztbmv.abcl (0.364f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ztbsv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ztbsv.abcl (0.268f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ztpmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ztpmv.abcl (0.215f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ztpsv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ztpsv.abcl (0.21f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ztrmm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ztrmm.abcl (0.329f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ztrmv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ztrmv.abcl (0.243f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ztrsm.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ztrsm.abcl (0.402f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/blas/ztrsv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :BLAS) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/blas/ztrsv.abcl (0.225f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc3.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (DEFUN DLAMC3 ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc3.abcl (0.005f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc1.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET (# # ...) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc1.abcl (0.025f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc4.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (DEFUN DLAMC4 ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc4.abcl (0.014f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc5.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc5.abcl (0.022f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET (# # ...) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlamc2.abcl (0.044f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlamch.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlamch.abcl (0.023f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlartg.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (# # ...) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlartg.abcl (0.033f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlapy2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (# #) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlapy2.abcl (0.011f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dgebak.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (#) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dgebak.abcl (0.09f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlabad.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (DEFUN DLABAD ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlabad.abcl (0.01f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dladiv.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (DEFUN DLADIV ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dladiv.abcl (0.008f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dlaln2.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (# # ...) ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /home/maxima/.maxima/binary/5_47post/abcl/1_9_2/share/lapack/lapack/dlaln2.abcl (0.308f0 seconds) ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dtrevc.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (# #) ...) loadfile: failed to load /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/load-lapack.lisp error-catch This differed from the expected result: 'done ********************** Problem 4 (line 14) *************** Input: dgemm(A, B) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 2 3 │ │ - 1 - 2 - 3 │ │ │ │ │ dgemm(│ 4 5 6 │, │ - 4 - 5 - 6 │) │ │ │ │ │ 7 8 9 │ │ - 7 - 8 - 9 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: ┌ ┐ │ - 30.0 - 36.0 - 42.0 │ │ │ │ - 66.0 - 81.0 - 96.0 │ │ │ │ - 102.0 - 126.0 - 150.0 │ └ ┘ ********************** Problem 5 (line 17) *************** Input: dgemm(A, B, transpose_a = true) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 2 3 │ │ - 1 - 2 - 3 │ │ │ │ │ dgemm(│ 4 5 6 │, │ - 4 - 5 - 6 │, transpose_a = true) │ │ │ │ │ 7 8 9 │ │ - 7 - 8 - 9 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: ┌ ┐ │ - 66.0 - 78.0 - 90.0 │ │ │ │ - 78.0 - 93.0 - 108.0 │ │ │ │ - 90.0 - 108.0 - 126.0 │ └ ┘ ********************** Problem 6 (line 20) *************** Input: dgemm(A, B, transpose_b = true) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 2 3 │ │ - 1 - 2 - 3 │ │ │ │ │ dgemm(│ 4 5 6 │, │ - 4 - 5 - 6 │, transpose_b = true) │ │ │ │ │ 7 8 9 │ │ - 7 - 8 - 9 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: ┌ ┐ │ - 14.0 - 32.0 - 50.0 │ │ │ │ - 32.0 - 77.0 - 122.0 │ │ │ │ - 50.0 - 122.0 - 194.0 │ └ ┘ ********************** Problem 7 (line 23) *************** Input: dgemm(A, B, c = C, beta = 2) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 2 3 │ │ - 1 - 2 - 3 │ │ 3 2 1 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ dgemm(│ 4 5 6 │, │ - 4 - 5 - 6 │, c = │ 6 5 4 │, beta = 2) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 7 8 9 │ │ - 7 - 8 - 9 │ │ 9 8 7 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: ┌ ┐ │ - 24.0 - 32.0 - 40.0 │ │ │ │ - 54.0 - 71.0 - 88.0 │ │ │ │ - 84.0 - 110.0 - 136.0 │ └ ┘ ********************** Problem 8 (line 26) *************** Input: dgemm(A, B, c = C, beta = 2, alpha = - 1) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 2 3 │ │ - 1 - 2 - 3 │ │ 3 2 1 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ dgemm(│ 4 5 6 │, │ - 4 - 5 - 6 │, c = │ 6 5 4 │, beta = 2, alpha = - 1) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 7 8 9 │ │ - 7 - 8 - 9 │ │ 9 8 7 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: ┌ ┐ │ 36.0 40.0 44.0 │ │ │ │ 78.0 91.0 104.0 │ │ │ │ 120.0 142.0 164.0 │ └ ┘ ********************** Problem 9 (line 29) *************** Input: dgemm(A, B, c = C, beta = 2, alpha = - 1, transpose_a = true) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 2 3 │ │ - 1 - 2 - 3 │ │ 3 2 1 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ dgemm(│ 4 5 6 │, │ - 4 - 5 - 6 │, c = │ 6 5 4 │, beta = 2, alpha = - 1, │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 7 8 9 │ │ - 7 - 8 - 9 │ │ 9 8 7 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ └ ┘ transpose_a = true) This differed from the expected result: ┌ ┐ │ 72.0 82.0 92.0 │ │ │ │ 90.0 103.0 116.0 │ │ │ │ 108.0 124.0 140.0 │ └ ┘ 2/9 tests passed The following 7 problems failed: (1 4 5 6 7 8 9) Running tests in rtest_dgeqrf: ********************** Problem 1 (line 6) *************** Input: (if not fboundp('dgeqrf) then load(lapack), 0) Result: ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dtrevc.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (# #) ...) loadfile: failed to load /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/load-lapack.lisp error-catch This differed from the expected result: 0 ********************** Problem 4 (line 20) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 5 (line 27) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 6 (line 34) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 7 (line 41) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 8 (line 48) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 9 (line 55) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 10 (line 62) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 11 (line 69) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 12 (line 76) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 13 (line 83) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 14 (line 90) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 15 (line 97) *************** Input: block([a, q, r], a : random_matrix(), [q, r] : dgeqrf(a), mat_norm(q . r - a, 1), if %% < 1.0e-12 then true else [a, q, r, %%]) Result: The "first" argument of the function "mat_norm" must be a matrix error-catch This differed from the expected result: true 2/15 tests passed The following 13 problems failed: (1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) Running tests in rtest_dgesv: ********************** Problem 1 (line 2) *************** Input: (if not fboundp('dgesv) then load(lapack), 'done) Result: ; Compiling /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/lapack/dtrevc.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :LAPACK) ; (LET* (# #) ...) loadfile: failed to load /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/load-lapack.lisp error-catch This differed from the expected result: 'done ********************** Problem 3 (line 12) *************** Input: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 - 2.5 │ │ 1.75 │ block([A, b, x], (A : │ │, b : │ │, x : dgesv(A, b), │ 0.375 5 │ │ - 0.625 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ dlange(inf_norm, b - A . x))) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1.75 │ │ 1 - 2.5 │ dlange(inf_norm, │ │ - │ │ │ - 0.625 │ │ 0.375 5 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 - 2.5 │ │ 1.75 │ . dgesv(│ │, │ │)) │ 0.375 5 │ │ - 0.625 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: 0.0 ********************** Problem 4 (line 19) *************** Input: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 - 0.15 │ │ 3.7 1 8 │ block([A, b, x], (A : │ │, b : │ │, │ 1.82 2 │ │ - 2.3 5 - 3.9 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ x : dgesv(A, b), dlange(inf_norm, b - A . x))) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 3.7 1 8 │ │ 1 - 0.15 │ dlange(inf_norm, │ │ - │ │ │ - 2.3 5 - 3.9 │ │ 1.82 2 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 1 - 0.15 │ │ 3.7 1 8 │ . dgesv(│ │, │ │)) │ 1.82 2 │ │ - 2.3 5 - 3.9 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: 1.110223024625157e-15 ********************** Problem 5 (line 26) *************** Input: ┌ ┐ │ 5 - %pi │ ┌ ┐ │ │ │ %e │ block([A, b, x], (A : │ 11 │, b : │ │, x : dgesv(A, b), │ 1.0b0 ── │ │ sin(1) │ │ 17 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ dlange(inf_norm, b - A . x))) Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 5 - %pi │ │ %e │ │ │ dlange(inf_norm, │ │ - │ 11 │ │ sin(1) │ │ 1.0b0 ── │ └ ┘ │ 17 │ └ ┘ ┌ ┐ │ 5 - %pi │ ┌ ┐ │ │ │ %e │ . dgesv(│ 11 │, │ │)) │ 1.0b0 ── │ │ sin(1) │ │ 17 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: 2.220446049250313e-16 ********************** Problem 6 (line 45) *************** Input: ┌ ┐ │ 6.8 - 6.05 - 0.45 8.32 - 9.67 │ │ │ │ - 2.11 - 3.3 2.58 2.71 - 5.14 │ │ │ block([A, b], (A : │ 5.66 5.36 - 2.7 4.35 - 7.26 │, │ │ │ 5.97 - 4.44 0.27 - 7.17 6.08 │ │ │ │ 8.23 1.08 9.04 2.14 - 6.87 │ └ ┘ ┌ ┐ │ 4.02 - 1.56 9.81 │ │ │ │ 6.19 4.0 - 4.09 │ │ │ b : │ - 8.22 - 8.67 - 4.57 │, dgesv(A, b))) │ │ │ - 7.57 1.75 - 8.61 │ │ │ │ - 3.03 2.86 8.99 │ └ ┘ Result: ┌ ┐ ┌ ┐ │ 6.8 - 6.05 - 0.45 8.32 - 9.67 │ │ 4.02 - 1.56 9.81 │ │ │ │ │ │ - 2.11 - 3.3 2.58 2.71 - 5.14 │ │ 6.19 4.0 - 4.09 │ │ │ │ │ dgesv(│ 5.66 5.36 - 2.7 4.35 - 7.26 │, │ - 8.22 - 8.67 - 4.57 │) │ │ │ │ │ 5.97 - 4.44 0.27 - 7.17 6.08 │ │ - 7.57 1.75 - 8.61 │ │ │ │ │ │ 8.23 1.08 9.04 2.14 - 6.87 │ │ - 3.03 2.86 8.99 │ └ ┘ └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: ┌ ┐ │ - 0.8007140257202475 - 0.3896213930191952 0.9554649124194904 │ │ │ │ - 0.6952433844403112 - 0.554427127353211 0.2206596269817108 │ │ │ │ 0.593914994899136 0.842227385604611 1.900636731558973 │ │ │ │ 1.321725609087391 - 0.1038018538074622 5.357661487175357 │ │ │ │ 0.5657561965738039 0.1057109514742748 4.040602658253425 │ └ ┘ 2/7 tests passed The following 5 problems failed: (1 3 4 5 6) Running tests in rtest_fourier_elim: 164/164 tests passed (not counting 4 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_sequence: 54/54 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_cholesky: 41/41 tests passed Running tests in rtest_eigens_by_jacobi: 24/24 tests passed Running tests in rtest_lu: 94/94 tests passed Running tests in rtest_linalg: 214/214 tests passed Running tests in rtest_matrixexp: 59/59 tests passed Running tests in rtest_romberg: 19/19 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_wilcoxon: 29/29 tests passed Running tests in rtest_bitwise: 71/71 tests passed Running tests in rtest_gf: 10/10 tests passed Running tests in rtest_arag: 107/107 tests passed Running tests in rtest_pdiff: ********************** Problem 62 (line 197) *************** Input: 2 2 d y dy n ev((de : 4 x ─── + 4 x ── + (x - 1) y = 0, de : subst(g(x ), y, de), 2 dx dx 1/n de : ev(de, diff), de : radcan(subst(x , x, de)), 1 de : block([ctxt : newcontext(), foo], assume(x >= 0), foo : subst(─, n, de), 2 killcontext(ctxt), foo), convert_to_diff(de)), logexpand) Result: 2 2 d d 2 x (─── (g(x))) + x (── (g(x))) + (x - 1) g(x) = 0 2 dx dx ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or Armed Bear Common Lisp. 89/89 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) The following 1 problem passed but was expected to fail: (62) Running tests in rtest_to_poly: 32/32 tests passed Running tests in rtestprintf: 71/71 tests passed (not counting 6 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_simplex: WARNING: *** Deprecated defmvar option: FIXNUM for $PIVOT_COUNT_SX WARNING: *** Deprecated defmvar option: FIXNUM for $PIVOT_MAX_SX WARNING: *** Deprecated defmvar option: FLONUM for $EPSILON_LP Warning: linear_program(A,b,c): non-rat inputs found, epsilon_lp=1.0e-8. Warning: Solution may be incorrect. Warning: linear_program(A,b,c): non-rat inputs found, epsilon_lp=1.0e-8. Warning: Solution may be incorrect. Warning: linear_program(A,b,c): non-rat inputs found, epsilon_lp=1.0e-8. Warning: Solution may be incorrect. Warning: linear_program(A,b,c): non-rat inputs found, epsilon_lp=1.0e-8. Warning: Solution may be incorrect. Warning: linear_program(A,b,c): non-rat inputs found, epsilon_lp=1.0e-8. Warning: Solution may be incorrect. 18/18 tests passed Running tests in rtest_graphs: 105/105 tests passed Running tests in rtest_abs_integrate: 251/251 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_pochhammer: 36/36 tests passed Running tests in rtest_to_poly_solve: 331/331 tests passed (not counting 11 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_sym: ********************** Problem 15 (line 59) *************** Input: 2 2 expand(direct([z - e1 z + e2, z - f1 z + f2], z, a + u, [[u], [a]])) Result: 4 3 2 1 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 y - 2 f1 y - 2 e1 y + 2 f2 y + f1 y + 3 e1 f1 y + 2 e2 y + e1 y 2 2 2 - 2 f1 f2 y - 2 e1 f2 y - e1 f1 y - 2 e2 f1 y - e1 f1 y - 2 e1 e2 y + f2 2 2 2 + e1 f1 f2 - 2 e2 f2 + e1 f2 + e2 f1 + e1 e2 f1 + e2 ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or Armed Bear Common Lisp. ********************** Problem 64 (line 195) *************** Input: 7 resolvante(x - 7 x + 3, x, x1 x2 x3, [x1, x2, x3]) Result: " resolvante symetrique " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 33 29 28 27 26 24 23 y - 7 y - 1029 y + 135 y + 7203 y - 756 y + 1323 y + 352947 y 22 21 20 19 18 17 - 46305 y - 2463339 y + 324135 y - 30618 y - 453789 y - 40246444 y 15 14 12 11 10 + 282225202 y - 44274492 y + 155098503 y + 12252303 y + 2893401 y 9 8 7 6 5 - 171532242 y + 6751269 y + 2657205 y - 94517766 y - 3720087 y 3 + 26040609 y + 14348907 ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or Armed Bear Common Lisp. 75/75 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) The following 2 problems passed but were expected to fail: (15 64) Running tests in rtest_mnewton: 30/30 tests passed Running tests in rtest_solve_rat_ineq: 17/17 tests passed Running tests in rtest_vect: ********************** Problem 19 (line 71) *************** Input: ev(vectorsimp(div (u a)) - (u div a + grad u . a), expandall : true) Result: 0 ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or Armed Bear Common Lisp. 66/66 tests passed (not counting 10 expected errors) The following 1 problem passed but was expected to fail: (19) Running tests in rtest_antid: 11/11 tests passed Running tests in rtest_bffac: 16/16 tests passed Running tests in rtest_diff_form: 43/43 tests passed Running tests in rtest_grobner: ********************** Problem 15 (line 53) *************** Input: 3 2 5 4 3 2 poly_gcd(6 x + 19 x + 19 x + 6, 6 x + 13 x + 12 x + 13 x + 6 x, [x]) Result: The variable K is unbound. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 2 6 x + 13 x + 6 ********************** Problem 21 (line 65) *************** Input: 2 2 2 poly_buchberger([x - y x, x + y + x y ], [x, y]) Result: The variable K is unbound. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 [x - x y, x y + y + x , - x y - x y - y, y - x y, - y - y - y] ********************** Problem 24 (line 71) *************** Input: 2 2 2 poly_reduced_grobner([x - y x, x + y + x y ], [x, y]) Result: The variable K is unbound. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 2 3 2 2 2 [y - x y, - y - y - y, x - y ] ********************** Problem 29 (line 81) *************** Input: poly_elimination_ideal([x + y, x - y], 0, [x, y]) Result: The value NIL is not of type STRUCTURE-OBJECT. error-catch This differed from the expected result: [y, x] ********************** Problem 31 (line 85) *************** Input: poly_elimination_ideal([x + y, x - y], 2, [x, y]) Result: The value NIL is not of type STRUCTURE-OBJECT. error-catch This differed from the expected result: [] ********************** Problem 32 (line 87) *************** Input: 2 2 2 3 3 poly_reduced_grobner([x - 2 x y + 2 y - 1, x y - 2 x y + 2 y + y - 2], [x, y]) Result: The variable K is unbound. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 2 2 [- 2 x y + 2 y + x - 1, - y - y + 2] ********************** Problem 33 (line 89) *************** Input: 2 2 2 2 poly_reduced_grobner([x + 2 y - 3, x + x y + y - 3], [x, y]) Result: The variable K is unbound. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 2 3 2 2 [y - x y, y - y, - 2 y - x + 3] 26/33 tests passed The following 7 problems failed: (15 21 24 29 31 32 33) Running tests in rtest_finance: 17/17 tests passed Running tests in rtest_fft: 99/99 tests passed Running tests in rtest_rfft: 46/46 tests passed Running tests in rtest_wrstcse: 12/12 tests passed Running tests in rtest_engineering_format: ********************** Problem 6 (line 11) *************** Input: x makelist(sdowncase(sconcat(1.0e+0 10 )), x, - 20, 20) Result: [10.0e-21, 100.0e-21, 1.0e-18, 10.0e-18, 100.0e-18, 1.0e-15, 10.0e-15, 100.0e-15, 1.0e-12, 10.0e-12, 100.0e-12, 1.0e-9, 10.0e-9, 100.0e-9, 1.0e-6, 10.0e-6, 100.0e-6, 1.0e-3, 10.0e-3, 100.0e-3, 1.0e+0, 10.0e+0, 100.0e+0, 1.0e+3, 10.0e+3, 100.0e+3, 1.0e+6, 10.0e+6, 100.0e+6, 1.0e+9, 10.0e+9, 100.0e+9, 1.0e+12, 10.0e+12, 100.0e+12, 1.0e+15, 10.0e+15, 100.0e+15, 1.0e+18, 10.0e+18, 100.0e+18] ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or Armed Bear Common Lisp. 15/15 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) The following 1 problem passed but was expected to fail: (6) Running tests in rtest_raddenest: 123/123 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_decfp: 5/5 tests passed Error summary: Error(s) found: /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/rtest_dgemm.mac problems: (1 4 5 6 7 8 9) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/rtest_dgeqrf.mac problems: (1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/lapack/rtest_dgesv.mac problems: (1 3 4 5 6) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/contrib/Grobner/rtest_grobner.mac problems: (15 21 24 29 31 32 33) Tests that were expected to fail but passed: /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/pdiff/rtest_pdiff.mac problem: (62) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/sym/rtest_sym.mac problems: (15 64) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/vector/rtest_vect.mac problem: (19) /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/contrib/rtest_engineering_format.mac problem: (6) 32 tests failed out of 4,693 total tests. 1684.576 seconds real time 1993135634 cons cells (%o0) done