Maxima 5.47post using Lisp International Allegro CL Free Express Edition 11.0 [64-bit Linux (x86-64)] Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING. Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter. The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information. (%i1) run_testsuite() Testsuite run for International Allegro CL Free Express Edition 11.0 [64-bit Linux (x86-64)]: Running tests in rtest_ask1: Is s positive, negative or zero? Is foo positive, negative or zero? Is foo positive, negative or zero? Is foo positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a zero or nonzero? Is a zero or nonzero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a zero or nonzero? Is a zero or nonzero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a zero or nonzero? Is a zero or nonzero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a zero or nonzero? Is a zero or nonzero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? Is a positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b zero or nonzero? Is a b zero or nonzero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b zero or nonzero? Is a b zero or nonzero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b zero or nonzero? Is a b zero or nonzero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is a b zero or nonzero? Is a b zero or nonzero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? 2 Is a b positive, negative or zero? Is x zero or nonzero? Is x zero or nonzero? 68/68 tests passed Running tests in rtest_sqdnst: 13/13 tests passed Running tests in rtest_extensions: 18/18 tests passed Running tests in rtest_rules: 239/239 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtestnset: 619/619 tests passed Running tests in rtest1a: 34/34 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtest2: 52711984 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global. See the documentation for variable EXCL:*GLOBAL-GC-BEHAVIOR* for more information. Warning: AAAAA is defined more than once as `variable' in file /tmp/tmpsavearrays.lisp. 307/307 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtest4: 120/120 tests passed Running tests in rtest5: 83/83 tests passed Running tests in rtest6: 56/56 tests passed Running tests in rtest6a: Warning: fullratsubst2(listofeqns,expr): reached maximum iterations of 30 . Increase `lrats_max_iter' to increase this limit. 89/89 tests passed Running tests in rtest6b: ********************** Problem 33 (line 97) *************** Input: if bar = map(lambda([s], ssubst(ln, log, s)), foo) then true else bar Result: loadfile: failed to load /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/stringproc/stringproc.lisp error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 36 (line 109) *************** Input: n map(lambda([s], ssubst(ln, tan, s)), map(tex1, [tan(x), tan(x + 1), tan (x)])) Result: [ssubst(ln, tan, \tan x), ssubst(ln, tan, \tan \left(x+1\right)), ssubst(ln, tan, \tan ^{n}x)] This differed from the expected result: [\ln x, \ln \left(x+1\right), \ln ^{n}x] 56/58 tests passed The following 2 problems failed: (33 36) Running tests in rtest7: 88/88 tests passed Running tests in rtest9: 89/89 tests passed Running tests in rtest9a: ********************** Problem 30 (line 121) *************** Input: linel : 140 Result: 140 ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 32 (line 137) *************** Input: x + 1 block([powerdisp : true, display2d_unicode : false], verify_display_2d(─────, 1 + x x + 2 ----- 2 + x )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 35 (line 146) *************** Input: x + 1 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_1d(─────, (1+x)/(2+x))) x + 2 Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 36 (line 149) *************** Input: 2 n2 s + n1 s + n0 (H : ─────────────────, 0) 2 d2 s + d1 s + d0 Result: 0 ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 37 (line 158) *************** Input: block([powerdisp : false, display2d_unicode : false], verify_display_2d(H, \ 2 n2 s + n1 s + n0 ----------------- 2 d2 s + d1 s + d0 )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 38 (line 167) *************** Input: block([powerdisp : true, display2d_unicode : false], verify_display_2d(H, \ 2 n0 + n1 s + n2 s ----------------- 2 d0 + d1 s + d2 s )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 47 (line 200) *************** Input: string(p) Result: x+1 ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 48 (line 203) *************** Input: tex(p, false) Result: $$x+1$$ ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 49 (line 210) *************** Input: n block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_2d(diff(x , x), n - 1 n x )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 50 (line 216) *************** Input: n block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_2d(diff(x , x), - 1 + n n x )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 51 (line 219) *************** Input: n block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_1d(diff(x , x), n*x^(n-1))) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 52 (line 222) *************** Input: n block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_1d(diff(x , x), n*x^(-1+n))) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 53 (line 230) *************** Input: 2 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_2d((x + 1) , 2 (x + 1) )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 54 (line 236) *************** Input: 2 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_2d((x + 1) , 2 (1 + x) )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 55 (line 239) *************** Input: 2 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_1d((x + 1) , (x+1)^2)) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 56 (line 241) *************** Input: 2 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_1d((x + 1) , (1+x)^2)) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 57 (line 247) *************** Input: 3 2 2 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_2d((x + x + x + 1) , 3 2 \ 2 (x + x + x + 1) )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 58 (line 253) *************** Input: 3 2 2 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_2d((x + x + x + 1) , 2 \ 3 2 (1 + x + x + x ) )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 59 (line 256) *************** Input: 3 2 2 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_1d((x + x + x + 1) , (x^3+x^2+x+1)^2)) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 60 (line 258) *************** Input: 3 2 2 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_1d((x + x + x + 1) , (1+x+x^2+x^3)^2)) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 61 (line 263) *************** Input: block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_2d(x + 1, x + 1 )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 62 (line 268) *************** Input: block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_2d(x + 1, 1 + x )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 63 (line 271) *************** Input: block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_1d(x + 1, x+1)) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 64 (line 273) *************** Input: block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_1d(x + 1, 1+x)) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 65 (line 279) *************** Input: 3 2 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_2d(x + x + x + 1, 3 2 x + x + x + 1 )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 66 (line 285) *************** Input: 3 2 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_2d(x + x + x + 1, 2 3 1 + x + x + x )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 67 (line 288) *************** Input: 3 2 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_1d(x + x + x + 1, x^3+x^2+x+1)) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 68 (line 290) *************** Input: 3 2 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_1d(x + x + x + 1, 1+x+x^2+x^3)) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 69 (line 296) *************** Input: x + 1 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_2d(2 , x + 1 2 )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 70 (line 302) *************** Input: x + 1 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_2d(2 , 1 + x 2 )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 71 (line 305) *************** Input: x + 1 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_1d(2 , 2^(x+1))) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 72 (line 307) *************** Input: x + 1 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_1d(2 , 2^(1+x))) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 73 (line 314) *************** Input: 3 2 x + x + x + 1 block([powerdisp : false], verify_display_2d(2 , 3 2 x + x + x + 1 2 )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 74 (line 321) *************** Input: 3 2 x + x + x + 1 block([powerdisp : true], verify_display_2d(2 , 2 3 1 + x + x + x 2 )) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (106 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest9a.mac src $verify_display_1d 111)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 80 (line 343) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- b - a) Result: loadfile: failed to load /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/stringproc/stringproc.lisp error-catch This differed from the expected result: - b - a ********************** Problem 82 (line 350) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- c - a) Result: printf(false, ~m, - c - a) This differed from the expected result: - c - a ********************** Problem 84 (line 357) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- c - b) Result: printf(false, ~m, - c - b) This differed from the expected result: - c - b ********************** Problem 86 (line 364) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- c + b + a) Result: printf(false, ~m, - c + b + a) This differed from the expected result: - c + b + a ********************** Problem 88 (line 371) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- c + b - a) Result: printf(false, ~m, - c + b - a) This differed from the expected result: - c + b - a ********************** Problem 90 (line 378) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- c - b + a) Result: printf(false, ~m, - c - b + a) This differed from the expected result: - c - b + a ********************** Problem 92 (line 385) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- c - b - a) Result: printf(false, ~m, - c - b - a) This differed from the expected result: - c - b - a ********************** Problem 94 (line 392) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- a) Result: printf(false, ~m, - a) This differed from the expected result: - a ********************** Problem 96 (line 399) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a - b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a - b) This differed from the expected result: a - b ********************** Problem 98 (line 406) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a - c) Result: printf(false, ~m, a - c) This differed from the expected result: a - c ********************** Problem 100 (line 413) *************** Input: print_string_2d(b - a) Result: printf(false, ~m, b - a) This differed from the expected result: b - a ********************** Problem 102 (line 420) *************** Input: print_string_2d(b - c) Result: printf(false, ~m, b - c) This differed from the expected result: b - c ********************** Problem 104 (line 427) *************** Input: print_string_2d(c + b - a) Result: printf(false, ~m, c + b - a) This differed from the expected result: c + b - a ********************** Problem 106 (line 434) *************** Input: print_string_2d(c - a) Result: printf(false, ~m, c - a) This differed from the expected result: c - a ********************** Problem 108 (line 441) *************** Input: print_string_2d(c - b) Result: printf(false, ~m, c - b) This differed from the expected result: c - b ********************** Problem 110 (line 448) *************** Input: print_string_2d(c - b + a) Result: printf(false, ~m, c - b + a) This differed from the expected result: c - b + a ********************** Problem 112 (line 455) *************** Input: print_string_2d(c - b - a) Result: printf(false, ~m, c - b - a) This differed from the expected result: c - b - a ********************** Problem 116 (line 472) *************** Input: - a block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(───)) b Result: a printf(false, ~m, - ─) b This differed from the expected result: a - - b ********************** Problem 118 (line 481) *************** Input: a block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(- ─)) b Result: a printf(false, ~m, - ─) b This differed from the expected result: a - - b ********************** Problem 120 (line 490) *************** Input: - a block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(───)) b Result: a printf(false, ~m, - ─) b This differed from the expected result: a - - b ********************** Problem 124 (line 511) *************** Input: - (a + b) block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(─────────)) c Result: - b - a printf(false, ~m, ───────) c This differed from the expected result: - b - a ------- c ********************** Problem 126 (line 520) *************** Input: - (a + b) block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(─────────)) c Result: - b - a printf(false, ~m, ───────) c This differed from the expected result: - b - a ------- c ********************** Problem 128 (line 529) *************** Input: a + b block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(- ─────)) c Result: b + a printf(false, ~m, - ─────) c This differed from the expected result: b + a - ----- c ********************** Problem 130 (line 540) *************** Input: (kill(n), with_default_2d_display(printf(false, ~m, (n!)!))) Result: printf(false, ~m, (n!)!) This differed from the expected result: (n!)! ********************** Problem 131 (line 544) *************** Input: printf(false, ~a, (n!)!) Result: printf(false, ~a, (n!)!) This differed from the expected result: (n!)! 82/124 tests passed (not counting 20 expected errors) The following 42 problems failed: (32 37 38 49 50 53 54 57 58 61 62 65 66 69 70 73 74 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 116 118 120 124 126 128 130 131) The following 17 problems passed but were expected to fail: (30 35 36 47 48 51 52 55 56 59 60 63 64 67 68 71 72) Running tests in rtest10: 72/72 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtest11: 254/254 tests passed (not counting 4 expected errors) Running tests in rtest13: 23/23 tests passed Running tests in rtest13s: 17/17 tests passed Running tests in rtest14: ********************** Problem 154 (line 1112) *************** Input: closeto(airy_dai(1.5) - airy_dai(1.5b0), 2.0817b-17) Result: 4.85722573273506b-17 This differed from the expected result: true 429/430 tests passed The following 1 problem failed: (154) Running tests in rtest15: Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. 402/402 tests passed Running tests in rtest16: Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: F-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $F is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. t 492380 Refusing to factor polynomial 271 (%e ) - 931 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 406810 Refusing to factor polynomial 701 (%e ) - 2351 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 406810 Refusing to factor polynomial 701 (%e ) - 2351 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 492380 Refusing to factor polynomial 271 (%e ) - 931 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 492380 t 85570 Refusing to factor polynomial 47 (%e ) - 4702 (%e ) + 4655 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) rat: replaced -406810.0 by -406810/1 = -406810.0 rat: replaced -492380.0 by -492380/1 = -492380.0 rat: replaced 0.07050000000000001 by 141/2000 = 0.0705 t 492380 t 85570 Refusing to factor polynomial 47 (%e ) - 4702 (%e ) + 4655 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) 778/778 tests passed (not counting 4 expected errors) Running tests in rtestode: 109/109 tests passed Running tests in rtestode_zp: 30/30 tests passed Running tests in rtest3: ********************** Problem 161 (line 523) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], with_stdout(S, terpri(), print(A )), get_output_stream_string(S)) x Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (520 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: A x ********************** Problem 162 (line 531) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], with_stdout(S, terpri(), print(B )), get_output_stream_string(S)) x Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (528 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: B x ********************** Problem 163 (line 539) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], y with_stdout(S, terpri(), print(C )), get_output_stream_string(S)) x Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (536 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: y C x ********************** Problem 164 (line 548) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], z y with_stdout(S, terpri(), print( D )), get_output_stream_string(S)) x Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (545 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: z y D x ********************** Problem 165 (line 557) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], y x with_stdout(S, terpri(), print( E )), get_output_stream_string(S)) z w Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (554 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: y x E z w ********************** Problem 166 (line 566) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], c, y b, x with_stdout(S, terpri(), print( F )), get_output_stream_string(S)) d, z a, w Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (563 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: c, y b, x F d, z a, w ********************** Problem 167 (line 575) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], c b, w with_stdout(S, terpri(), print( G )), get_output_stream_string(S)) d, x a Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (572 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: c b, w G d, x a ********************** Problem 168 (line 584) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], b c b C B , E a a d a with_stdout(S, terpri(), print( G )), c b c, y b, x a D , F a d, z a, w get_output_stream_string(S)) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (581 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: b c b C B , E a a d a G c b c, y b, x a D , F a d, z a, w ********************** Problem 169 (line 597) *************** Input: with_default_2d_display([S : make_string_output_stream()], c b, w with_stdout(S, terpri(), print(sqrt( G ))), get_output_stream_string(S)) d, x a Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (594 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: c b, w sqrt( G ) d, x a ********************** Problem 170 (line 606) *************** Input: block([display2d_unicode : false], with_default_2d_display([S : c b, w 1 - G d, x a make_string_output_stream()], with_stdout(S, terpri(), print(─────────────)), 2/3 1/2 E 17/29 1 get_output_stream_string(S))) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (603 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest3.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: c b, w 1 - G d, x a ------------- 2/3 1/2 E 17/29 1 ********************** Problem 174 (line 628) *************** Input: 1 block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(lsum(───────, x, g(x) f(────) h(x) LOOOOOOOOONG_EXPR))) Result: ____ ╲ 1 printf(false, ~m, ⟩ ───────) ╱ g(x) ‾‾‾‾ f(────) x in LOOOOOOOOONG_EXPR h(x) This differed from the expected result: ____ \ 1 > ------- / g(x) ---- f(----) x in LOOOOOOOOONG_EXPR h(x) ********************** Problem 175 (line 639) *************** Input: inf ____ k ╲ x block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d( ⟩ ──)) ╱ k ‾‾‾‾ k = 1 Result: inf ____ k ╲ x printf(false, ~m, ⟩ ──) ╱ k ‾‾‾‾ k = 1 This differed from the expected result: inf ____ k \ x > -- / k ---- k = 1 ********************** Problem 176 (line 649) *************** Input: block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(subst(k = *index, inf ____ k ╲ x ⟩ ──))) ╱ k ‾‾‾‾ k = 1 Result: inf ____ *index ╲ x printf(false, ~m, ⟩ ───────) ╱ *index ‾‾‾‾ *index = 1 This differed from the expected result: inf ____ *index \ x > ------- / *index ---- *index = 1 ********************** Problem 177 (line 659) *************** Input: 4 ____ ╲ block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d( ⟩ i!)) ╱ ‾‾‾‾ i = 1 Result: 4 ____ ╲ printf(false, ~m, ⟩ i!) ╱ ‾‾‾‾ i = 1 This differed from the expected result: 4 ____ \ > i! / ---- i = 1 ********************** Problem 178 (line 669) *************** Input: n ____ ╲ block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d( ⟩ g(i))) ╱ ‾‾‾‾ i = 0 Result: n ____ ╲ printf(false, ~m, ⟩ g(i)) ╱ ‾‾‾‾ i = 0 This differed from the expected result: n ____ \ > g(i) / ---- i = 0 ********************** Problem 179 (line 679) *************** Input: n ____ ╲ block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d( ⟩ g(i) + 1)) ╱ ‾‾‾‾ i = 0 Result: n ____ ╲ printf(false, ~m, ⟩ g(i) + 1) ╱ ‾‾‾‾ i = 0 This differed from the expected result: n ____ \ > g(i) + 1 / ---- i = 0 ********************** Problem 180 (line 689) *************** Input: block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(foo : 2 unsum(product(i , i, 1, n), n))) Result: n - 1 ─┬───┬─ │ │ 2 printf(false, ~m, ( │ │ i ) (n - 1) (n + 1)) │ │ i = 1 This differed from the expected result: n - 1 _____ | | 2 (| | i ) (n - 1) (n + 1) | | i = 1 ********************** Problem 181 (line 698) *************** Input: block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(nusum(foo, n, 1, n))) Result: solve: dependent equations eliminated: (2 3) n ─┬───┬─ │ │ 2 printf(false, ~m, │ │ i - 1) │ │ i = 1 This differed from the expected result: n _____ | | 2 | | i - 1 | | i = 1 ********************** Problem 182 (line 707) *************** Input: sin(x) block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(powerseries(log(──────), x, x 0))) Result: inf ____ i2 2 i2 - 1 2 i2 ╲ (- 1) 2 bern(2 i2) x printf(false, ~m, ⟩ ──────────────────────────────────) ╱ i2 (2 i2)! ‾‾‾‾ i2 = 1 This differed from the expected result: inf ____ i2 2 i2 - 1 2 i2 \ (- 1) 2 bern(2 i2) x > ---------------------------------- / i2 (2 i2)! ---- i2 = 1 ********************** Problem 183 (line 717) *************** Input: block([display2d_unicode : false], i 2.5 product((x + 1) , i, 1, inf) print_string_2d(───────────────────────────────)) 2 x + 1 Result: inf ─┬───┬─ │ │ i 2.5 │ │ (x + 1) │ │ i = 1 printf(false, ~m, ─────────────────) 2 x + 1 This differed from the expected result: inf _____ | | i 2.5 | | (x + 1) | | i = 1 ----------------- 2 x + 1 ********************** Problem 184 (line 731) *************** Input: block([display2d_unicode : false], ____ ╲ 1 print_string_2d( ⟩ ────────)) ╱ f(x) ‾‾‾‾ 1 + ──── kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl 2 Result: ____ ╲ 1 printf(false, ~m, ⟩ ────────) ╱ f(x) ‾‾‾‾ ──── + 1 kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl 2 This differed from the expected result: ____ \ 1 > -------- / f(x) ---- ---- + 1 kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl 2 ********************** Problem 185 (line 740) *************** Input: block([display2d_unicode : false], ____ ╲ 1 print_string_2d( ⟩ ────────)) ╱ f(x) ‾‾‾‾ 1 + ──── 2 2 kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl Result: ____ ╲ 1 printf(false, ~m, ⟩ ────────) ╱ f(x) ‾‾‾‾ ──── + 1 2 2 kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl This differed from the expected result: ____ \ 1 > -------- / f(x) ---- ---- + 1 2 2 kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl ********************** Problem 186 (line 750) *************** Input: block([display2d_unicode : false], ____ ╲ 1 print_string_2d( ⟩ ────────)) ╱ f(x) ‾‾‾‾ 1 + ──── skdkskdsk 2 kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl Result: ____ ╲ 1 printf(false, ~m, ⟩ ────────) ╱ f(x) ‾‾‾‾ ──── + 1 skdkskdsk 2 kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl This differed from the expected result: ____ \ 1 > -------- / f(x) ---- ---- + 1 skdkskdsk 2 kskdsksdkkdksdksd in w999393293923939losl ********************** Problem 188 (line 767) *************** Input: print_string_2d('('foo)) Result: printf(false, ~m, 'foo) This differed from the expected result: 'foo ********************** Problem 189 (line 771) *************** Input: print_string_2d(foo : 123) Result: printf(false, ~m, foo : 123) This differed from the expected result: foo : 123 ********************** Problem 190 (line 775) *************** Input: print_string_2d(foo :: 123) Result: printf(false, ~m, foo :: 123) This differed from the expected result: foo :: 123 ********************** Problem 191 (line 779) *************** Input: print_string_2d(foo(a, b) := [x, y, z]) Result: printf(false, ~m, foo(a, b) := [x, y, z]) This differed from the expected result: foo(a, b) := [x, y, z] ********************** Problem 192 (line 783) *************** Input: print_string_2d(foo(a, b) ::= [x, y, z]) Result: printf(false, ~m, foo(a, b) ::= [x, y, z]) This differed from the expected result: foo(a, b) ::= [x, y, z] ********************** Problem 193 (line 787) *************** Input: print_string_2d(4!) Result: printf(false, ~m, 4!) This differed from the expected result: 4! ********************** Problem 194 (line 791) *************** Input: x print_string_2d(2 ) Result: x printf(false, ~m, 2 ) This differed from the expected result: x 2 ********************** Problem 195 (line 796) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a ) Result: printf(false, ~m, a ) This differed from the expected result: a ********************** Problem 196 (line 801) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a . b . c) Result: printf(false, ~m, a . b . c) This differed from the expected result: a . b . c ********************** Problem 197 (line 805) *************** Input: a block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(─)) b Result: a printf(false, ~m, ─) b This differed from the expected result: a - b ********************** Problem 198 (line 811) *************** Input: a block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(─)) b Result: a printf(false, ~m, ─) b This differed from the expected result: a - b ********************** Problem 199 (line 817) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a b c) Result: printf(false, ~m, a b c) This differed from the expected result: a b c ********************** Problem 200 (line 821) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a + b + c) Result: printf(false, ~m, a + b + c) This differed from the expected result: a + b + c ********************** Problem 201 (line 825) *************** Input: print_string_2d(- a) Result: printf(false, ~m, - a) This differed from the expected result: - a ********************** Problem 202 (line 829) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a -> b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a -> b) This differed from the expected result: a -> b ********************** Problem 203 (line 833) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a > b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a > b) This differed from the expected result: a > b ********************** Problem 204 (line 837) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a >= b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a >= b) This differed from the expected result: a >= b ********************** Problem 205 (line 841) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a = b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a = b) This differed from the expected result: a = b ********************** Problem 206 (line 845) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a # b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a # b) This differed from the expected result: a # b ********************** Problem 207 (line 849) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a <= b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a <= b) This differed from the expected result: a <= b ********************** Problem 208 (line 853) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a < b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a < b) This differed from the expected result: a < b ********************** Problem 209 (line 857) *************** Input: print_string_2d(not a) Result: printf(false, ~m, not a) This differed from the expected result: not a ********************** Problem 210 (line 861) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a and b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a and b) This differed from the expected result: a and b ********************** Problem 211 (line 865) *************** Input: print_string_2d(a or b) Result: printf(false, ~m, a or b) This differed from the expected result: a or b ********************** Problem 212 (line 869) *************** Input: print_string_2d('((a, b, c))) Result: printf(false, ~m, (a, b, c)) This differed from the expected result: (a, b, c) ********************** Problem 213 (line 873) *************** Input: print_string_2d('([a, b, c])) Result: printf(false, ~m, [a, b, c]) This differed from the expected result: [a, b, c] ********************** Problem 214 (line 878) *************** Input: print_string_2d([x] ) 1 Result: printf(false, ~m, [x] ) 1 This differed from the expected result: [x] 1 ********************** Problem 215 (line 883) *************** Input: print_string_2d() Result: printf(false, ~m, ) This differed from the expected result: ********************** Problem 216 (line 887) *************** Input: print_string_2d((a, b, c)) Result: printf(false, ~m, (a, b, c)) This differed from the expected result: a, b, c ********************** Problem 217 (line 891) *************** Input: print_string_2d(abs(a)) Result: printf(false, ~m, abs(a)) This differed from the expected result: abs(a) ********************** Problem 218 (line 895) *************** Input: ┌ ┐ block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(│ a b c │)) └ ┘ Result: ┌ ┐ printf(false, ~m, │ a b c │) └ ┘ This differed from the expected result: [ a b c ] ********************** Problem 219 (line 899) *************** Input: ╔═╗ block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(║a║)) ╚═╝ Result: ╔═╗ printf(false, ~m, ║a║) ╚═╝ This differed from the expected result: """ "a" """ ********************** Problem 220 (line 905) *************** Input: b═╗ block([display2d_unicode : false], print_string_2d(║a║)) ╚═╝ Result: b═╗ printf(false, ~m, ║a║) ╚═╝ This differed from the expected result: b"" "a" """ ********************** Problem 221 (line 911) *************** Input: print_string_2d((hello)) Result: printf(false, ~m, (hello)) This differed from the expected result: hello ********************** Problem 222 (line 915) *************** Input: block([linel : 65], print_string_2d(((a) b))) Result: printf(false, ~m, ((a) b)) This differed from the expected result: (a) b ********************** Problem 224 (line 926) *************** Input: print_string_2d(1.0b0) Result: printf(false, ~m, 1.0b0) This differed from the expected result: 1.0b0 ********************** Problem 225 (line 930) *************** Input: print_string_2d(2.0b0) Result: printf(false, ~m, 2.0b0) This differed from the expected result: 2.0b0 ********************** Problem 227 (line 937) *************** Input: print_string_2d(1.000000000000000b0) Result: printf(false, ~m, 1.000000000000000b0) This differed from the expected result: 1.000000000000000b0 ********************** Problem 228 (line 941) *************** Input: print_string_2d(2.000000000000000b0) Result: printf(false, ~m, 2.000000000000000b0) This differed from the expected result: 2.000000000000000b0 ********************** Problem 243 (line 992) *************** Input: print_string_2d(aaa) Result: printf(false, ~m, aaa) This differed from the expected result: aaa ********************** Problem 244 (line 997) *************** Input: print_string_2d(aaa bbb) Result: printf(false, ~m, aaa bbb) This differed from the expected result: aaa bbb ********************** Problem 245 (line 1004) *************** Input: print_string_2d(aaa bbb) Result: printf(false, ~m, aaa bbb) This differed from the expected result: aaa bbb ********************** Problem 246 (line 1013) *************** Input: print_string_2d(aaa bbb) Result: printf(false, ~m, aaa bbb) This differed from the expected result: aaa bbb ********************** Problem 247 (line 1029) *************** Input: print_string_2d(aaa bbb ccc) Result: printf(false, ~m, aaa bbb ccc) This differed from the expected result: aaa bbb ccc ********************** Problem 248 (line 1049) *************** Input: print_string_2d( aaa ) Result: printf(false, ~m, aaa ) This differed from the expected result: aaa ********************** Problem 249 (line 1067) *************** Input: print_string_2d( With longing comes loss, and the presence of absence: "'My Novel' not found." ) Result: printf(false, ~m, With longing comes loss, and the presence of absence: "'My Novel' not found." ) This differed from the expected result: With longing comes loss, and the presence of absence: "'My Novel' not found." 179/248 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) The following 69 problems failed: (161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 224 225 227 228 243 244 245 246 247 248 249) Running tests in rtest8: ********************** Problem 197 (line 928) *************** Input: 2 first(quad_qagi(exp(- x ), x, - inf, inf inf, epsrel = 0.001, epsabs = 0.002, limit = 100)) Result: COMMON-LISP:EXP operation on (-54319.37285647406) resulted in floating point underflow. 2 - x quad_qagi: Numerical evaluation of %e at 233.0651686899483 is not a float or is not defined 2 - x %e This differed from the expected result: 1.7724538509067376 214/215 tests passed The following 1 problem failed: (197) Running tests in rtest12: 126/126 tests passed (not counting 3 expected errors) Running tests in rexamples: 136/136 tests passed Running tests in rtesthyp: 417/417 tests passed (not counting 6 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_hypgeo: 296/296 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtestmt19937: 15/15 tests passed Running tests in rtest_allnummod: 572/572 tests passed Running tests in rtest_maxmin: t 492380 Refusing to factor polynomial 271 (%e ) - 931 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 406810 Refusing to factor polynomial 701 (%e ) - 2351 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 406810 Refusing to factor polynomial 701 (%e ) - 2351 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 492380 Refusing to factor polynomial 271 (%e ) - 931 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 492380 t 85570 Refusing to factor polynomial 47 (%e ) - 4702 (%e ) + 4655 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) t 492380 t 85570 Refusing to factor polynomial 47 (%e ) - 4702 (%e ) + 4655 because its degree exceeds factor_max_degree (1000) 106/106 tests passed (not counting 8 expected errors) Running tests in rtestconjugate: 270/270 tests passed Running tests in rtestsum: Warning: FOO-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $FOO is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $FOO is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. Warning: G-IMPL is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $G is defined more than once as `operator' in file NIL. Warning: $G is defined more than once as `compiler-macro' in file NIL. 340/340 tests passed (not counting 3 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_trig: 168/168 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_zeta: 32/32 tests passed Running tests in rtest_diff_invtrig: 22/22 tests passed Running tests in rtest_scalarp: 20/20 tests passed Running tests in rtest_everysome: 84/84 tests passed Running tests in rtestint: 350/350 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_numth: 218/218 tests passed Running tests in rtestifactor: 34/34 tests passed Running tests in rtest_equal: 206/206 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_abs: 141/141 tests passed Running tests in rtest_taylor: 52441472 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global. See the documentation for variable EXCL:*GLOBAL-GC-BEHAVIOR* for more information. 167/167 tests passed (not counting 6 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_dot: 72/72 tests passed Running tests in rtest_mset: 113/113 tests passed Running tests in rtest_boolean: 116/116 tests passed Running tests in rtest_round: 101/101 tests passed Running tests in rtest_map: 139/139 tests passed (not counting 3 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_sign: 474/474 tests passed (not counting 7 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_algebraic: 45/45 tests passed Running tests in rtest_gamma: ********************** Problem 48 (line 176) *************** Input: relerror(factlim!, bfloat(factlim)!, 1.0b-58) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 198 (line 781) *************** Input: relerror(bfloat(gamma(factlim)), gamma(bfloat(factlim)), 1.0b-14) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 663 (line 3291) *************** Input: errcatch(beta_incomplete(am, b, 0)) Result: beta_incomplete: beta_incomplete(am,b,0) is undefined. [] ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 669 (line 3311) *************** Input: beta_incomplete(1.0, 1, z) Result: 1.0000000000000022 z This differed from the expected result: 1.0 z ********************** Problem 745 (line 3702) *************** Input: relerror(erf(inverse_erf(1.0b1 + 1.0b3 %i)), 1.0b1 + 1.0b3 %i, 2.0b-23) Result: true ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 751 (line 3740) *************** Input: - 256 1 relerror(gamma(2.0 + 1.0e-200 %i), rectform(──────────────────────), - 256 2.0 + 1.0e-200 %i 2.0e-15) Result: gamma: overflow in GAMMA-LANCZOS. error-catch This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 813 (line 3994) *************** Input: beta_incomplete_regularized(4830, 171, 0.8333333333333334) Result: COMMON-LISP:EXP operation on (-746.9263554146528) resulted in floating point underflow. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1.134595788994921e-194 ********************** Problem 814 (line 3997) *************** Input: beta_incomplete_regularized(1000.0, 1000.0, 0.5) Result: COMMON-LISP:EXP operation on (-1388.4826016359002) resulted in floating point underflow. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 0.5 824/828 tests passed (not counting 4 expected errors) The following 4 problems failed: (669 751 813 814) The following 4 problems passed but were expected to fail: (48 198 663 745) Running tests in rtest_expintegral: 212/212 tests passed Running tests in rtest_signum: 70/70 tests passed Running tests in rtest_lambert_w: 61/61 tests passed Running tests in rtest_elliptic: ********************** Problem 92 (line 509) *************** Input: 1 elliptic_ec(─) 2 Result: 2 3 gamma (─) 3/2 4 %pi ─────────── + ─────────── 2 sqrt(%pi) 2 3 4 gamma (─) 4 ... Which was correct, but was expected to be wrong due to a known bug in Maxima or International Allegro CL Free Express Edition. ********************** Problem 98 (line 533) *************** Input: is(abs(jacobi_dn(inverse_jacobi_dn(- 2.0, 3.0), 3.0) + 2) < 1.0e-14) Result: false This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 232 (line 1071) *************** Input: closeto(jacobi_am(1.5, 1.5 + %i) - (0.9340542168700783 - 0.3723960452146072 %i), 5.4673e-16) Result: 1.066334393690002e-15 This differed from the expected result: true ********************** Problem 241 (line 1108) *************** Input: makelist(block([z : 2 k, m : 1 + 0.5 %i], closeto(sin(jacobi_am(z, m)) - jacobi_sn(z, m), 4.9651e-16)), k, 0, 10) Result: [true, true, 3.1093860598555176, 1.4196400235356381, true, true, 1.8560883221050442, true, true, 1.4367807408952151, 1.9568500269567002] This differed from the expected result: [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true] ********************** Problem 243 (line 1118) *************** Input: makelist(block([z : 2 k %i, m : 1.75], closeto(sin(jacobi_am(z, m)) - jacobi_sn(z, m), 3.5528e-15)), k, 0, 10) Result: [true, true, true, true, 4.174962092645102e-13, true, true, 4.577035242213238e-10, true, true, 1.791949848424349e-6] This differed from the expected result: [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true] ********************** Problem 244 (line 1123) *************** Input: makelist(block([z : 2 k %i, m : 1.75 + %i], closeto(sin(jacobi_am(z, m)) - jacobi_sn(z, m), 4.9651e-16)), k, 0, 10) Result: [true, 1.1442068470719975, 2.8724911217239857, 1.5249357087045752, 1.382650045642424, 1.9315886662554433, 1.9666729419042848, 0.9171073598198729, 0.3526358774670356, true, true] This differed from the expected result: [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true] 248/253 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) The following 5 problems failed: (98 232 241 243 244) The following 1 problem passed but was expected to fail: (92) Running tests in rtest_integrate: 821/821 tests passed Running tests in rtest_integrate_special: 53/53 tests passed Running tests in rtest_sqrt: 315/315 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_carg: 53/53 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_log: 134/134 tests passed Running tests in rtest_power: 69/69 tests passed (not counting 3 expected errors) Running tests in rtestdefstruct: 34/34 tests passed Running tests in rtest_limit: 260/260 tests passed (not counting 3 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_powerseries: 71/71 tests passed Running tests in rtest_laplace: 100/100 tests passed (not counting 10 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_plotoptions: 5/5 tests passed Running tests in rtest_algsys: 75/75 tests passed Running tests in rtest_trace: ********************** Problem 84 (line 321) *************** Input: (S : make_string_output_stream(), untrace(atom), with_stdout(S, atom(1)), get_output_stream_string(S)) Result: untrace: atom is not traced. opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (317 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: ********************** Problem 85 (line 326) *************** Input: (trace(atom), with_default_2d_display(with_stdout(S, atom(1))), get_output_stream_string(S)) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (317 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Call atom [1] 1 Return atom true ********************** Problem 86 (line 334) *************** Input: (untrace(atom), trace(rischint), with_stdout(S, block([display2d : false], risch(2 x, x))), get_output_stream_string(S)) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (317 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Call rischint [2*x,x] 1 Return rischint (2*x^2)/2 ********************** Problem 87 (line 342) *************** Input: (untrace(rischint), trace(integrate, defint, limit, antideriv), with_stdout(S, block([display2d : false], integrate(exp(- x) cos(x), x, 0, inf))), get_output_stream_string(S)) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (317 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Call integrate [%e^-x*cos(x),x,0,inf] 1 Call defint [%e^-x*cos(x),x,0,inf] 1 Call limit [0] 1 Return limit 0 1 Call limit [%e^-x,x,inf] 1 Return limit 0 1 Call limit [0] 1 Return limit 0 1 Call antideriv [%e^-x*cos(x),x] 1 Return antideriv (%e^-x*(sin(x)-cos(x)))/2 1 Call limit [0] 1 Return limit 0 1 Call limit [(%e^-x*sin(x))/2-(%e^-x*cos(x))/2,x,0,plus] 1 Return limit -(1/2) 1 Call limit [(%e^-x*sin(x))/2-(%e^-x*cos(x))/2,x,inf,minus] 1 Return limit 0 1 Return defint 1/2 1 Return integrate 1/2 ********************** Problem 88 (line 365) *************** Input: (untrace(limit, defint), with_stdout(S, block([display2d : false], integrate(exp(- x) cos(x), x, 0, inf))), get_output_stream_string(S)) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (317 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Call integrate [%e^-x*cos(x),x,0,inf] 1 Call antideriv [%e^-x*cos(x),x] 1 Return antideriv (%e^-x*(sin(x)-cos(x)))/2 1 Return integrate 1/2 ********************** Problem 89 (line 374) *************** Input: (untrace(integrate, antideriv), with_stdout(S, block([display2d : false], integrate(exp(- x) cos(x), x, 0, inf))), get_output_stream_string(S)) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (317 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: ********************** Problem 90 (line 377) *************** Input: (close(S), 0) Result: loadfile: failed to load /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/share/stringproc/stringproc.lisp error-catch This differed from the expected result: 0 ********************** Problem 91 (line 393) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], local(foo), foo(x, [y]) := cons(x, y), trace(foo), with_stdout(stream, foo(1, 2, 3)), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(foo), ret) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (379 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src $foo 383)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Call foo [1, 2, 3] 1 Return foo [1, 2, 3] ********************** Problem 92 (line 407) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(block), with_stdout(stream, block(1, 2, 3)), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(block), ret) Result: opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (397 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Call block [1, 2, 3] 1 Return block 3 ********************** Problem 93 (line 421) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(block), with_stdout(stream, block([x : 1], x)), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(block), ret) Result: 1 Call block [[stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(block), with_stdout(stream, block([x : 1], x)), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(block), ret] trace: function block is already traced. opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (411 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Call block [[x : 1], x] 1 Return block 1 ********************** Problem 94 (line 435) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(+), with_stdout(stream, 1 + 2 + 3), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(+), ret) Result: 1 Call block [[stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(+), with_stdout(stream, 1 + 2 + 3), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(+), ret] opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (425 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Simp "+" [1, 2, 3] 1 Return "+" 6 ********************** Problem 95 (line 449) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(+), with_stdout(stream, (1 + 2) + 3), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(+), ret) Result: 1 Call block [[stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(+), with_stdout(stream, (1 + 2) + 3), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(+), ret] trace: function "+" is already traced. opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (439 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Simp "+" [1, 2] 1 Return "+" 3 1 Simp "+" [3, 3] 1 Return "+" 6 ********************** Problem 96 (line 465) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(block, +), with_stdout(stream, block([x : 1], x + 3 + 5)), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(block, +), ret) Result: 1 Call block [[stream : make_string_output_stream(), ret], trace(block, +), with_stdout(stream, block([x : 1], x + 3 + 5)), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(block, +), ret] trace: function block is already traced. trace: function "+" is already traced. opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (455 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Call block [[x : 1], x + 3 + 5] 1 Simp "+" [1, 3, 5] 1 Return "+" 9 1 Return block 9 ********************** Problem 97 (line 482) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), display2d : false, ret], 1 trace(gamma), with_stdout(stream, gamma(─)), 2 ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(gamma), ret) Result: 1 Call block [[stream : make_string_output_stream(), display2d : false, 1 ret], trace(gamma), with_stdout(stream, gamma(─)), 2 ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(gamma), ret] opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (471 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Simp gamma [1/2] 1 Return gamma sqrt(%pi) ********************** Problem 98 (line 498) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), display2d : false, gamma_expand : true, ret], trace(gamma), with_stdout(stream, gamma(x + 3)), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(gamma), ret) Result: 1 Call block [[stream : make_string_output_stream(), display2d : false, gamma_expand : true, ret], trace(gamma), with_stdout(stream, gamma(x + 3)), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(gamma), ret] trace: function gamma is already traced. opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (486 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Simp gamma [x+3] 2 Simp gamma [x] 2 Return gamma gamma(x) 1 Return gamma x*(x+1)*(x+2)*gamma(x) ********************** Problem 99 (line 534) *************** Input: block([stream : make_string_output_stream(), display2d : false, ret], local(simp_stepfn), load(simplifying), simp_stepfn(x) := block([prederror : false], if is(x <= 0) = true then 0 elseif is(x > 0) = true then 1 else simpfuncall('stepfn, x)), simplifying('stepfn, 'simp_stepfn), 2 2 2 trace(stepfn), with_stdout(stream, stepfn(- x ), stepfn(x + 1), stepfn(x )), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(stepfn), kill(stepfn), ret) Result: 1 Call block [[stream : make_string_output_stream(), display2d : false, ret], local(simp_stepfn), load(simplifying), simp_stepfn(x) := block([prederror : false], if is(x <= 0) = true then 0 elseif is(x > 0) = true then 1 else simpfuncall('stepfn, x)), simplifying('stepfn, 'simp_stepfn), 2 2 2 trace(stepfn), with_stdout(stream, stepfn(- x ), stepfn(x + 1), stepfn(x )), ret : get_output_stream_string(stream), untrace(stepfn), kill(stepfn), ret] opening #P"/home/maxima/maxima-test/(($make_string_output_stream simp (504 /home/maxima/maxima-test/installroot/share/maxima/5.47post/tests/rtest_trace.mac src $simp_stepfn 513)))" resulted in error: No such file or directory [errno=2]. error-catch This differed from the expected result: 1 Simp stepfn [-x^2] 1 Return stepfn 0 1 Simp stepfn [x^2+1] 1 Return stepfn 1 1 Simp stepfn [x^2] 1 Return stepfn stepfn(x^2) 84/100 tests passed The following 16 problems failed: (84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99) Running tests in rtest_polynomialp: 17/17 tests passed Running tests in rtest_limit_extra: 1 Simp "+" [log(2), - %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(2) - %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [log(2), - %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(2) - %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [107, log(2), - %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(2) - %i %pi + 107 1 Simp "+" [log(2), %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(2) + %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [log(2), %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(2) + %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [107, log(2), %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(2) + %i %pi + 107 1 Simp "+" [3 sqrt(2), 3] 1 Return "+" 3 sqrt(2) + 3 1 Simp "+" [sqrt(10), 1] 1 Return "+" sqrt(10) + 1 1 Simp "+" [sqrt(10), 1] 1 Return "+" sqrt(10) + 1 1 Simp "+" [sqrt(10), 1] 1 Return "+" sqrt(10) + 1 1 Simp "+" [5 %i, 10] 1 Return "+" 5 %i + 10 1 Simp "+" [11 %i, 2] 1 Return "+" 11 %i + 2 1 Simp "+" [log(46), - %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(46) - %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [log(46), %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(46) + %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [%i, - 46] 1 Return "+" %i - 46 1 Simp "+" [- 46] 1 Return "+" - 46 1 Simp "+" [1] 1 Return "+" 1 1 Simp "+" [- 46] 1 Return "+" - 46 1 Simp "+" [1] 1 Return "+" 1 1 Simp "+" [log(46), %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(46) + %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [log(46), - %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(46) - %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - %i] 1 Return "+" - %i - 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1] 1 Return "+" - 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1] 1 Return "+" - 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1] 1 Return "+" - 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1] 1 Return "+" - 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1, %i] 1 Return "+" %i - 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1] 1 Return "+" - 1 1 Simp "+" [1] 1 Return "+" 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1] 1 Return "+" - 1 1 Simp "+" [1] 1 Return "+" 1 1 Simp "+" [log(51), %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(51) + %i %pi 1 Simp "+" [log(51), - %i %pi] 1 Return "+" log(51) - %i %pi 2 2 1 Simp "+" [%pi , 6 %gamma ] 2 2 1 Return "+" %pi + 6 %gamma 2 3 1 Simp "+" [4 zeta(3), %gamma %pi , 2 %gamma ] 2 3 1 Return "+" 4 zeta(3) + %gamma %pi + 2 %gamma 1 Simp "+" [%pi, - asin(3)] 1 Return "+" %pi - asin(3) 5/2 %pi %i log(17 - 3 2 ) 1 Simp "+" [───, - ───────────────────] 2 2 5/2 2 Simp "+" [17, - 3 2 ] 1 3 Simp "+" [─, 2] 2 5 3 Return "+" ─ 2 5/2 2 Return "+" 17 - 3 2 5/2 %pi %i log(17 - 3 2 ) 1 Return "+" ─── - ─────────────────── 2 2 %pi 3/2 1 Simp "+" [───, - %i log(2 + 3)] 2 3/2 2 Simp "+" [2 , 3] 1 3 Simp "+" [─, 1] 2 3 3 Return "+" ─ 2 3/2 2 Return "+" 2 + 3 %pi 3/2 1 Return "+" ─── - %i log(2 + 3) 2 1 1 Simp "+" [atan(───────), - %pi] sqrt(2) 1 1 Return "+" atan(───────) - %pi sqrt(2) 1 1 Simp "+" [atan(───────), - %pi] sqrt(2) 1 1 Return "+" atan(───────) - %pi sqrt(2) 55763328 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global. See the documentation for variable EXCL:*GLOBAL-GC-BEHAVIOR* for more information. 1 Simp "+" [a, - 1] 1 Return "+" a - 1 log(x) 1 Simp "+" [──────, 1] log(y) log(x) 1 Return "+" ────── + 1 log(y) 1 Simp "+" [1, - a] 1 Return "+" 1 - a 2 2 1 Simp "+" [%pi , - 6 %gamma ] 2 2 1 Return "+" %pi - 6 %gamma 2 2 %pi 1 Simp "+" [%gamma , - ────] 6 2 2 %pi 1 Return "+" %gamma - ──── 6 1 Simp "+" [cos(4 x), 3 cos(2 x), - 8] 1 Return "+" cos(4 x) + 3 cos(2 x) - 8 1 1 Simp "+" [atan(───────), - %pi] sqrt(2) 1 1 Return "+" atan(───────) - %pi sqrt(2) 1 1 Simp "+" [atan(───────), - %pi] sqrt(2) 1 1 Return "+" atan(───────) - %pi sqrt(2) 1 Simp "+" [107, 93 %i sqrt(a)] 1 Return "+" 93 %i sqrt(a) + 107 1 Simp "+" [107, - 93 %i sqrt(a)] 1 Return "+" 107 - 93 %i sqrt(a) a a 1 Simp "+" [a log(a), a ] a a 1 Return "+" a log(a) + a 1 Simp "+" [4 log(2), 4] 1 Return "+" 4 log(2) + 4 a a 1 Simp "+" [a log(a), a ] a a 1 Return "+" a log(a) + a 1 Simp "+" [log(sqrt(2) + 1), - log(1 - sqrt(2)), - sqrt(2)] 2 Simp "+" [sqrt(2), 1] 2 Return "+" sqrt(2) + 1 2 Simp "+" [1, - sqrt(2)] 2 Return "+" 1 - sqrt(2) 1 Return "+" log(sqrt(2) + 1) - log(1 - sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2) 1 Simp "+" [log(sqrt(2) + 1), - log(1 - sqrt(2)), - sqrt(2)] 2 Simp "+" [sqrt(2), 1] 2 Return "+" sqrt(2) + 1 2 Simp "+" [1, - sqrt(2)] 2 Return "+" 1 - sqrt(2) 1 Return "+" log(sqrt(2) + 1) - log(1 - sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2) 1 Simp "+" [log(sqrt(2) + 1), - log(1 - sqrt(2)), - sqrt(2)] 2 Simp "+" [sqrt(2), 1] 2 Return "+" sqrt(2) + 1 2 Simp "+" [1, - sqrt(2)] 2 Return "+" 1 - sqrt(2) 1 Return "+" log(sqrt(2) + 1) - log(1 - sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2) 1 Simp "+" [log(sqrt(2) + 1), - log(1 - sqrt(2)), - sqrt(2)] 2 Simp "+" [sqrt(2), 1] 2 Return "+" sqrt(2) + 1 2 Simp "+" [1, - sqrt(2)] 2 Return "+" 1 - sqrt(2) 1 Return "+" log(sqrt(2) + 1) - log(1 - sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2) 1 Simp "+" [log(sqrt(2) + 1), - log(1 - sqrt(2)), - sqrt(2)] 2 Simp "+" [sqrt(2), 1] 2 Return "+" sqrt(2) + 1 2 Simp "+" [1, - sqrt(2)] 2 Return "+" 1 - sqrt(2) 1 Return "+" log(sqrt(2) + 1) - log(1 - sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2) 1 Simp "+" [a, - 1] 1 Return "+" a - 1 log(x) 1 Simp "+" [──────, 1] log(y) log(x) 1 Return "+" ────── + 1 log(y) 1 Simp "+" [1, - a] 1 Return "+" 1 - a 1 1 Simp "+" [─, 1] 2 3 1 Return "+" ─ 2 1 Simp "+" [0] 1 Return "+" 0 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [- a - 1, 1] 1 Return "+" - a 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [- a - 1, 1] 1 Return "+" - a 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [- a, - 1] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [a, 1] 1 Return "+" a + 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [a, 1] 1 Return "+" a + 1 1 Simp "+" [a + 1, - 1] 1 Return "+" a 1 Simp "+" [a, 1] 1 Return "+" a + 1 1 Simp "+" [a + 1, - 1] 1 Return "+" a 1 Simp "+" [a, 1.0] 1 Return "+" a + 1.0 1 Simp "+" [a, 1] 1 Return "+" a + 1 1 Simp "+" [0] 1 Return "+" 0 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [- a, - 1] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [- a - 1, 1] 1 Return "+" - a 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [- a - 1, 1] 1 Return "+" - a 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [- a, - 1] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [a, 1] 1 Return "+" a + 1 1 Simp "+" [- 1, - a] 1 Return "+" - a - 1 1 Simp "+" [a, 1] 1 Return "+" a + 1 1 Simp "+" [a + 1, - 1] 1 Return "+" a 1 Simp "+" [a, 1] 1 Return "+" a + 1 1 Simp "+" [a + 1, - 1] 1 Return "+" a 1 Simp "+" [a, 1.0] 1 Return "+" a + 1.0 1 Simp "+" [a, 1] 1 Return "+" a + 1 1 Simp "+" [%phi, 1] 1 Return "+" %phi + 1 1 1 Simp "+" [─, 1] 2 3 1 Return "+" ─ 2 54528624 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global. See the documentation for variable EXCL:*GLOBAL-GC-BEHAVIOR* for more information.